Our Team

Monica Palmirani

Monica Palmirani is full professor in Computer Science and Law and Legal Informatics at University of Bologna, School of Law. She co-chairs the LegalDocML and the LegalRuleML. Since 2013 she serves on the OASIS LegalXML Steering Committee. In 2015, she was recognized as an OASIS Distinguished Contributor. She was member of Board of Directors of OASIS from 2016 till 2018. Her research fields include XML techniques for modelling legal documents in structure as well as in aspects connected to legal knowledge, including logic rules and legal ontologies, and ICT-enhanced legal drafting techniques using artificial intelligence techniques. She is also the scientific coordinator of the Legal Blockchain Lab. She has published more than 120 papers and she has been chair of several international conferences, editor of book series and member of the scientific committee of “AI and Law” Journal. She is vice-president of the IAAIL (International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law). She is Director of the International PhD programme “Law, Science and Technologies” MSCA-ITN. She has winner of the ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council for five years of ground-breaking topics with a funding of 2.5Ml of Euro. She is also principal investigator of Jean Monnet Module on Legal Design.

Giorgia Berrino

Giorgia Berrino is Project Manager of the FASTLISA Project. Giorgia graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she also obtained a PhD. At the end of the forensic practice, Giorgia obtained the qualification to practice the legal profession and enrolled in the Bologna Bar Association, where she currently practices at the associated law firm "Tebano Corvucci". Giorgia is a research fellow at the Law Department of the University of Ferrara and a contract professor at the Law Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Chiara Catizone

Chiara Catizone is an LLM student in Digital Humanities at the University of Bologna. With a Bachelor’s degree in Art History, she combines her fascination with contemporary art with her interests in computer science and humanistic studies. Her studies have centered on NLP and data analysis, where she has honed her skills in digital storytelling, programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, and statistical tools such as R Studio and KNIME. During her university studies, she has also gained practical experience in back-end development while working with PostgreSQL, an object-relational database system, at an NFT exchange start-up. Currently, Chiara is working with CIRSFID, specializing in NLP and machine learning, to enhance her skills and gain more expertise in this field.

Francesca Curi

Full professor at the University of Bologna where she teaches “Criminal Law” and “Criminal Immigration Law” (both in the Master’s Degree in Law). She is the director of the advanced training course: “Social and legal practices in the hospitality and integration of migrants”. She has won several calls for European projects, including Fast Lisa, and she organizes many conferences on her research topics. Her teaching and research interests include Criminal Law, Health and Safety at Work, and Immigration Law. In particular, her research lies mainly in the fields of personal and collective criminal liability in the context of safety at work and, about her interest in Immigration Law, it is focused on a study on the foreigner as author or victim of crime. She has written two monographs, several papers in scientific journals and contributions in collected works. The most recent topics are: 1. Dalle ruspe alle politiche di inclusione: i reati culturalmente orientati nella dosimetria della pena (2023); 2. La giurisdizione in alto mare: tra universalità tentata e territorialità consumata (commento a Cassazione, sez. 1, 2 luglio 2021, n.31652), (2022) 3. Paura della povertà. Strategie securitarie difensive e prove tecniche di prevenzione sociale, (2022) 4. Basta un numero? La repressione violenta del dissenso: G8 di Genova, No Tav, le rivolte in carcere, (2021) 5. Il Daspo urbano: “l’eterno ritorno dell’uguale”, (2021)

Salvatore Sapienza

Fixed-term assistant professor at the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Bologna. He also holds an affiliation with ALMA-AI (Alma Mater Research Center for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence). He is the author of several publications in the field of legal informatics, data governance, data ownership, data and AI ethics. His current research interests also include the development and the use of Artificial Intelligence tools for legal data analysis. He teaches modules in the courses “Legal Informatics” (Ravenna Campus) and “Data Science for Lawyers” (Bologna Campus) at the University of Bologna. He holds a PhD in Law, Science & Technology (LAST-JD) from CIRSFID – ALMA AI in co-tutelle with the University of Luxembourg. Since September 2022, he is a visiting researcher at Centre for IT & IP Law at KU Leuven – CITIP, Belgium. He also holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) in Intellectual Property and Information Law from King’s College London.

Maria Rieger

Maria Antoinette Rieger is Associate Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Bologna. Her main research areas are Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics, Onomastics, and Intercultural Communication. In these areas, she has published scientific papers such as Colonial Toponyms in German Guidebooks for Tanzania (2022), Les compétences de base en milieu de travail (2022), Multicultural Aspects of Name and Naming in a Postcolonial World (2021), Gutes aus dem Reich der Affen – The Representation of Africa and Africans in German Coffee Ads (2021), Sind deutsche Frauen emanzipiert und italienische Männer emotional? Leserbriefe als Testfall für Kulturstandards (2018). She is member of the PhD Board Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne: Diversità e Inclusione. She is member of ICOS (International Council of Onomastic Sciences), ANS (American Name Society), and CSSN (Canadian Society for the Study of Names) as well as scientific referee of the ICONN-series (International Conferences on Onomastics “Name and Naming”).

Giulia Venditti

Giulia Venditti is a student pursuing a degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the field, having earned a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and Art Direction, with a specialization in Creative Direction, from NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan. During her time at NABA, Giulia gained valuable experience as a graphic designer for the Academy’s Intermediary Office, working with well-known companies such as Reebok, Mitsubishi, and Moleskine. Her passion lies in developing user-oriented web portals that prioritize user experience principles, with a focus on accessibility and inclusiveness. Since 2018, she has been working as a freelance web designer and developer, continually refining her skills, and gaining experience. In 2022, Giulia was an intern at the /DH.arc (Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center), where she explored the topic of accessibility and user experience. Most recently, she works with the CIRSFID team, where she is involved in data visualization, web design and development, social media management, and digital content creation.

Ana Pano Alaman

Ana Pano Alamán is Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics at the University of Bologna. Her main research areas are the pragmatic and linguistic analysis of online interaction, and corpus-assisted methods applied to the study of political and media discourses. In these areas, she has published scientific papers and books such as El discurso politico en Twitter (Political discourse on Twitter 2013) and La opinión pública en la red (Public opinion online 2020). She has given invited talks on intensification, impoliteness, hate speech, and irony and humor on social media, and on the impact of SNS on politics (populism) and public discourse strategies. She participates as a research member in funded projects about corpus linguistics and digital humanities methods and in the association ASICE, working on language and (im)politeness in media and new media in the Spanish-speaking world. She was an elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Discourse and Society Studies (EDiSo).

Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Giovanni Boccia Artieri (Ph.D.) is Full Professor in Sociology of Communication and Digital Media and Dean at the Dept. of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies, University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He is Coordinator of the Ph.D program on Humanities. His main research interests revolve around media theory, with a focus on social media and participatory culture. Current research projects include mediatization processes; online hate speech studies; media manipulation and disinformation. He has published many articles in national and international Journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Current Sociology, International Journal of Communication, Participations. Journal of Audience & Reception Studies. Updated publication list and profile is available at: goo.gl/V2QzL7

Stefano Brilli

Stefano Brilli is a Research Fellow at the Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI) of the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, where he works on research projects on digital cultures and performing arts audiences. His research interests focus on irreverence and celebrity in digital culture, performing arts audiences and the sociology of the arts. He has recently published: YouTube Freak Show: Fama e derisione alle soglie dell’influencer culture (FrancoAngeli 2023); Theatre without theatres: Investigating access barriers to mediatized theatre and digital liveness during the covid-19 pandemic in “Poetics” (with L. Gemini and F. Giuliani 2022).

Adrain Paschke

Since 2008 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Adrian Paschke is head of the Corporate Semantic Web group (AG-CSW) with a chair on semantic data intelligence at the institute of computer science, department of mathematics and computer science at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). Since 2015 he additionally is director of the Data Analytics Center (DANA) at Fraunhofer FOKUS. He also is director of RuleML Inc. in Canada, and professorial member at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), the Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics (DCMLR), the Institut für Angewandte Informatik (InfAI) at University of Leipzig.

Jan Fillies

In 2019, Jan Fillies received his Master’s degree in Information Systems from the Technical University of Munich. During this time, he worked as both a data scientist and a technical consultant. His master thesis focused on AI based pattern identification in telecommunication data. Since early 2020, he has worked as a data scientist, a software developer for machine learning and, most recently, as a scientific researcher in the field of research and development for the Institut für Angewandte Informatik (InfAI) at the University of Leipzig.  The focus of his work is on Natural Language Processing within the context of cultural and social application. He is pursuing a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), researching the influence of youth language on the algorithmic detection of hateful language.

Rukhshanda Shahid

Rukhshanda already worked with jobseekers in the field of job application training after her studies. She was then able to deepen this experience in job coaching at Pro Arbeit. Rukhshanda is interested in the inclusion and integration of people who have a high potential and valuable resources and thus have a positive influence on the local society. Interest and expertise: Health, Youth, Children, Basic Education, Empowerment, Inclusion of vulnerable groups, Language, Training.

Mohammed Issifu

Since graduating from the University of Freiburg, Germany Mohammed has worked as a social worker in a refugee first reception centre in Freiburg, Germany. He has a rich experience working with young people as an experienced high school teacher and with young migrants from diverse backgrounds and culture from the experiences accumulated through his studies and research work in Germany, south Africa and India. Interests and expertise: Integration of migrants, Youth work, Refugee work, Diversity, Conflict management and resolution, Crisis management and Research.

Antonio Cardona Barber

Antoni Cardona Barber, PhD in Criminal Law, is currently a professor in criminal law at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). His training also includes a Master’s Degree in Business Law from Centro de Estudios Garrigues (and Harvard Law School), and a Master’s Degree in Criminal Law from the Barcelona Bar Association. He has also completed several specialization courses, such as the Course on Public Sector Contracts; the Course on Urban Law; the Course on Criminal Misdemeanors; and the Course on Criminal Jurisdiction of Minors. He has also worked as a lawyer in Garrigues Abogados, and for several years, he has combined the practice of law in the specialty of criminal law with the activity of associate professor in UAB. He has also been a visiting criminal law researcher at the University of Trento (years 2019 and 2020), the University of Modena i Reggio Emilia (year 2021) and the University of Bologna (year 2022).

Joan Baucells

With a PhD in law from the UAB (Barcelona) with a thesis on crime by conviction (1999), he dedicated his first research work to this phenomenon. His publications in this field allowed him to win the extraordinary doctorate award. As a tenured professor at the URV (Tarragona), in the period 2000-2007, he joined the consolidated research group “Territory, citizenship and sustainability” and focused his research
on criminal protection of the environment. In this field he has published numerous works of national and international scope. On the teaching side, he was recognized with the Vicens Vives award for teaching innovation from the Generalitat de Catalunya for the subject “Law and prison” and the URV Social Council award for the subject “Environmental Legal Clinic”.
Since 2007 and up to the present, he has been teaching, researching and managing at the UAB (Barcelona) where, as part of the consolidated research group “Criminal Law and New Trends in Criminal Policy”, he has published preferably on the media and criminal law, criminal policy, economic crimes and criminal liability of legal persons. In total, he has published 30 journal articles, 22 book chapters, 3 monographs; He has participated in manuals and comments on criminal law and has been invited to courses and Masters at national Universities (Salamanca, Cádiz, Coruña, UNIA, Rioja) and international (Paris, Guatemala, Italy).

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